Asa Wright Nature Centre

ASA Wright Nature Center

Located at 1,200 feet in the mountains of the Northern Range, seven miles north of the town of Arima the Asa Wright Nature Centre (AWNC) is a world-class natural history destination.

In 1967 a group of naturalists and bird-watchers established Asa wright nature center one of the first nature centers in the Caribbean.

Located at 1,200 feet in the mountains of the Northern Range, seven miles north of the town of Arima.

Its purpose to: “protect part of the Arima Valley in a natural state and to create a conservation and study area for the protection of wildlife and for the enjoyment of all”.

ASA Wright Nature Center

1,500 acres of mainly forested land in the Arima and Aripo Valleys of the Northern Range, to protect the community watershed and provide important wildlife habitat.

The Centre’s main facilities are located on a former cocoa-coffee-citrus plantation, previously known as the Spring Hill Estate.

Partly reclaimed by secondary forest, surrounded by impressive rainforest, which gives the effect of being deep in tropical rainforest.

This center is home to a variety of species, including 97 native mammals, 400 birds, 55 reptiles, 25 amphibians, and 617 butterflies, as well as over 2,200 species of flowering plants.


Visitor can enjoy the amazing view from the gallery

Here they can relax and look at the different species of birds as they come to feed.

ASA Wright Nature Center

The gallery also has a nice view of the valley, and the lush green forest on the hill side.

They have tour on which you will learn about and see the different wildlife that inhabit of Trinidad and Tobago.

ASA Wright Nature Center

The center also provides lodging for those wishing to stay for a weekend or night.

There is also a dining hall where you can get lunch as you sit and look at the view.

ASA Wright Nature Center

Another attraction is the clear water pool, which is built on one of the rivers flowing through the estate.

Just a little walk from the main building it’s perfect for a relaxing day when the sun is out with great ambience and the sound of the birds and other wildlife around.

Asa Wright is a nature loves paradise, so calm and peacefully, perfect for a relaxing day and clearing the mind.

Official Site or AWNC