Morning Motivation – Run till sunrise

Recently I was told by someone that I seem to be really fit, and they asked me how I managed that.

Sometime plans may never go as you want them to, change in job, living location, responsibilities, relationships, mentally stressed, and no motivation.

Most times we abandon our goals entirely.

I have seen repeatedly, doctors recommending to person around me to eat healthier, and get daily exercise.

Not sure why we wait till diagnosis with something to take control, after it is too late.

Over the past few years I have tried to change my lifestyle to a healthier and more productive one.


My aim is to have a healthy body as long as I am alive, not to be muscular but to be lean and fit.

Making my body a properly oiled up working machine at optimal performance.

To make some of my new hobbies and adventures more enjoyable

I have done a lot of research into a number of exercises and meal plans and tried a number of them.

Thing is everyone is different, and as such different meals and exercises will work for different people.

You need to find what works for you and make it enjoyable and fun.

One of the hobbies I enjoy is running, and I got into a weekly routine recently, that keeps me motivated to come out.

Morning Motivation

Enjoying the nice peaceful run outdoors on a morning as the sun starts to rise works for me.

It is so peaceful and serene, it’s something I got accustom and look forward to doing on a morning.

Running helps me clear my mind, and destress, and the location you choose will make this even more effective.

Every morning brings a new beginning, new reason for hope, a new sunrise and a new canvas in the sky.

Seeing the sky change colors within a short period, as the sun rises until it is out in its full glory is pretty amazing.

Find a center

For me it’s beautiful because it gives the perspective, that live is short, things change, time doesn’t wait on anyone.

Enjoy every day as if it where your last, never put off what you can do today.

Moderate and try to sustain a healthy body and mind, you don’t need to eat salad to be healthy.

Enjoy the little thing!!!
