Blue Basin Waterfall is an easily accessible waterfall with Basin below found in Diego Martin.
The river that flows into the basin, originates from a remote area in Paramin known as Meyah.
Meyah River
This originates high up in the hills in the Cameron area.
The drive to the rivers is not for the faith at heart, the concrete road is steep, narrow and there are a lot of sharp corners.
Where the road crosses the river in Meyah there is a nice location for a river lime, and a short work to a nice waterfall and pool.
Following the flow of the river will take you straight into Blue Basin.
This river flows through the dense region of the Cameron Valley through some huge gorges.
It then flows over a steep escarpment to a series of fascinating cascading falls and pools.
Blue Basin Waterfall
Blue Basin
At the top of Blue Basin Falls there are a series of hidden gems, pools and waterfalls known by villagers as White Hole, Coffin Hole, and Tsou Falls.
Tsou Waterfall above Blue Basin
With clear waters that are turquoise in color, these pools are deep and are perfectly situated for jumping off the cliffs above.
A fifty feet waterfall feeds the Basin, the pool is large possible twenty feet in depth below the fall itself.
Coffee Hole Above Blue Basin, this pool is estimated at thirty feet in depth.
It is also a gradual increase in depth from the bank, so it still safe for none swimmers.
The water is clean and you can see the majority of the bottom the pool.
There is an area where you can climb the wall of the falls, and use the rope swing, or just jump or dive into the pool.
The trek to Blue Basin Waterfall is a short twenty minutes walk along the road to the falls from the car park.
Dogula Pool at the Blue Basin Car Park
The river also runs along the car park, and there is a pool similar to a fifty feet Olympic sized swimming pool.
This pool is know as Dougla Pools and is sectioned out into shallow and deep, using concrete slabs.
Perfect location where you can enjoy a swim and great ambience.
White Hole sits right above the Blue Basin Waterfall.
History of the River
The Blue Basin River has always been significant to Diego Martin.
In 1797, it provided water to the nineteen sugar mills and nine rum distillers in the Valley.
The purpose of the historic Diego Martin Water Wheel was to crush the sugar cane and its water supply came from the river.
One Hundred years later in 1897, there was a depression in the Sugar Industry, and many of the estates collapsed. This was due to the abolishment of slave labour in 1834.
At River Estate the Colonial Government purchased the land to drill wells for the purpose of supplying water to Port-of-Spain and environments.
Soon after, the Cadbury Brothers of England leased the land to do research in Cocoa Production.
Today there is still evidence of its rich history and along the river channel and in the forest surviving cacao trees still, exist.