Salt Water Volcano – Rio Claro

Salt Water Volcano

Deep in the forest of the Rio Claro, there are may wonders, including the Salt Water Volcano.

Our adventure begun at the police station in Rio Claro where we checking in with the Tour Guide Dominic (Los ExploradoresTT Tours LTD) and he then checked in with the police.

We then took possibly a forty-five minute drive along the scenic Guyaguayare Road into the forest.

This road is not one suitable for cars, a 4×4 would make the experience more enjoyable.

It is lined by very tall trees, and in some places covered by bamboo arches.

Guyaguayare Road
Guyaguayare Road

Along the way you will also pass some ponds at the side of the road, scenery just perfect for those amazing photos.

Our drive took us to one of the many campsites along the roadside, approximately thirteen kilometers from the junction at the police station.

At this site you can hear monkeys and the sounds made by locust.

Salt Water and Oil
Salt Water and Oil

The area is infested with these locust, you can see them moving in a swam, giving you the sound of rain falling as they move from leaf to leaf.

The tour guide and local guide gave us the briefing about the area, and out hike began.

Took two hours to reach the first open of the volcano, as we diverted off trail so the local guide could show us ruins of old civilization from many years ago.

The average time from start to the volcano site is approximately an hour and two miles in distance.

The terrain is deep forest vegetation, muddy and a number of hills to climb.

Salt Water Volcano
Salt Water Volcano

Salt Water Volcano

The Volcano is located in a southwesterly direction from a start point near the Salt Water Bridge on the Guyaguyare Road.

A release from the Mayaro Rio Claro Regional Corporation says that in 1959, Dr Hans Kugler recorded this feature as a salt spring in his work Surface Geology Map of Trinidad.

A mixture of water and a tar-like substance can reportedly be seen bubbling and flowing within the crater.

The salinity of seawater is around 3.5 percent, and the water found within the crater is said to be at a maximum of 2.3 percent.

Two hundred and fifty feet below the volcano, a terrace covered with a coral-like formation known as “tufa”.

It was dated, back to sixty five million years by geologist and still growing.

It is situated nearby the salt-water river in the area, which has no vegetation around it.

Salt Water Volcano
Salt Water Volcano

Second Volcano Mouth

Around hundred feet from the salt-water volcano is a major oil seep, which also flows down toward the salt-water river.

Here you can see the water and oil bubbling as it comes up and you can smell the oil in the air.

Persons wishing to visit the volcano are strongly advised not to attempt the hike without a knowledgeable guide.

Google map showing trail and location.