On the southern west coast below Trinidad lays a Mud Volcano on the Anglais Point of Palo Seco.
Trinidad is rich with geology, from pitch lakes to multiple volcanoes like the famous one at Bunsee Trace Penal.
Records suggest that the Ancient volcano had major eruptions in 1906 and 1960.
This well kept secret has been dormant for many years, and has recently started expelling a thick flow of mud from its core.
The areal view of the area shows a wide path heading into the sea from the top of the hill where the volcano is situated.
It can also be seen from Google Maps in satellite mode.

The Journey
To visit the volcano you will start with a long possible two hour drive, depends on what location you start from.
The drive will take you to down to Palo Seco, passed the Beach Camp Bunglalow road to a dead end at the coastline.
You park there and then take the path down to the beach.
Note that you can only see the majority of the beach at low tide, which mean you have to time the tide to head to the volcano.
The beach itself is really beautiful at low tide, as the ocean recedes and the rocks and golden sand is exposed.
At the bottom of the path on the beach you will come across a house and boat parked on the sand.
You will them make a right and walk west on the shore for maybe ten to fifteen minutes.
When tide is high there is no beach to walk on, just water right up to the hillside.
On the next bend you will notice a rocky patch on the shore and you should notice the volcanic mud at the bottom of the hill on your right.

Anglais Point Mud Volcano
Here you will then proceed to climb this hill, which is a barren path consisting of mud and sulfur from the last eruption.
The path is as wide as a three-lane highway, wide enough to be seen by Google.
Hopefully you get good weather and the place is dry as the mud on the hill will stick to your shoes and eventually get heavy.
It will take you maximum ten minutes to climb to the top of the hill.

Pay attention to where you put you feet, as the ground is a maze of deep cracks, and if you step on an edge you can slip into a crack.
At the top the area is flat and a big circle area like a cricket field.
The mouth of the volcano resides in the middle, a circle big enough to hold a car.
It stands out as the mud is different in color and you can see the center bubbling.
It is not as spectacular as the ones found in the forest close by or the one in Penal, as the mouth is small.
But is still a sight to see what natural geological wonders there are on this planet.
On the up side it’s a nice road trip and, and the beach is beautiful, the beach not the water.
The country people are also very friendly and you may even find some cheap produce to buy in the area.