This adventure takes us to a remote beach along the Paria main road, to a beach by the name of Paradise Bay
Not to be mistaken with the Paradise bay close to Matelot, this in Blanchisseuse on the Paria main road.
It is also known as L’Anse Paoua Bay, by different hiking groups.
Update: Seems the correct name is Morne Poui Bay.
I can�t say where the names come from I am just happy to be able to visit the locations.
The north coast of Trinidad never seems to surprise me, the more we explore the more we discover.
There are a lot of remote beaches, not known to the general public, and not accessible by vehicles.

One such beach is Paradise Bay, located approximately three miles from the spring bridge.
The trek from the bridge is an easy one and will take you about 40mins, which all depend on your fitness.
You can also drive and park further in, but the current conditions of the are horrible.
Due to the rise in off-road activities in the area, the roads have become muddy with big craters.
Regardless of where you start, there are two paths you turn off from the Paria road to head down to the bay.
About then minutes from what we call the roundhouse, there is a hill made of rock and clay.

There is a longer but easier trail at the top of that hill to the left just as you are about to leave the canopy.
The other is located at the bottom of the clay hill on the left as well.
The clay is a challenge to go up or down, wet or dry so the easier option is the path at the top.

Paradise Bay
The bay is a small beach, with it�s with sands sheltered by coconut trees.
There are rocks in the water but you have enough space to enjoy your splash.
At the end of the beach, there is a huge tunnel, which seems to be the main attraction.
They say at low tide you can walk straight through the tunnel and exit at the other end.
It is perfect for a short hike and relaxation, might even be a great spot to camp.
Great for a day out with your crew or family.

Like every other place, I advise you to practice caution while on the trails.
Also, try to keep the surroundings you found it do not litter if possible help keep nature clean.