Sapphire falls would be by far the easiest waterfall destination I have been thus far in Trinidad.
This waterfall caught my attention recently when it became popular on social media.
Hidden gem might be the perfect words for this one, as the location would surprise you.
Nineteen Mile.
A few years back we explored Marianne Gorges better known as nineteen mile, a popular destination on the Arima Blanchisseuse Road.
It is closer to the Blanchisseuse side than Arima, the road is way better from the north coast.
It is known for the ease of driving into the river up to the gorge, where off-roaders will lime and have a fun time.
The gorge is really beautiful and a great spot for a splash, if you go past the first one there is another great gorge with a wide pool.
Today’s adventure took us right around the corner from the nineteen mile marker heading to Blanchisseuse.
The Tributary
As you make your way past the popular corner, you will encounter a bamboo patch shading a clearing close to the road.
This little space could probably hold four to five vehicles comfortably, and it seems to be regularly used.
There you will see a track heading down into the river.
On our visit as we started and made it down to the river, we encountered some statues with fresh offerings of food and money.
Despite your belief, please be mindful not to mess with the people’s belongings.
Anyhow the track brings you down to a junction on the river, where two other tributaries connect.
Sapphire Falls
The one you’re looking for is straight ahead, simply cross the river and head up that stream.
After nearly getting a heart attack from some bats that live in the holes in the rocks.
It took about four minutes from the junction you will come across the waterfall.
Such a beauty so close to the road, which is shaded by the trees, might be best to go when the sun is overhead at midday.
The drive itself is way longer than the hike, that does explain why everyone does the gorges at the same time as well.

It’s possible the falls are about fifteen to twenty feet high, with a nice big deep pool below.
The terrain is rocky, attention has to be paid if you are diving or jumping into the water.
The water was really nice and clean, a perfect spot for a short hike and cool down.
Google map showing trail and location.