Blanchisseuse is home to many attractions it is well known for its many hot spots, to name a few the Marianne River and Beach, Three pools, and Avocar Waterfall.
It is a big attraction for hikers, river lime, and kayaking the crystal-clear waters.
Further up the Blanchisseuse to Arima old road, possible a thirty-minute drive from the junction in Blanchisseuse, you will encounter another delight.

Liming Spot
There is a popular liming spot located on a corner, which you can�t miss.
There is a driveway down to the river and opposite the parking space has some abandoned concrete structures I presume.
I was told this is at the eighteen and three-quarter mile marker from the highway in Arima.

This particular location is a haven for off-roading as you drive into and down the river, as I have witnessed myself.
The is a combination of sand and stone, with clear shallow water.
Allowing drivers to drive up the river to where the gorges are.

Marianne Gorges or Gorgeous
If you park outside on the road it�s a ten-minute walk up the river to one of the most beautiful gorges you will see.
When the sun is high overhead, you can see straight through the clear waters to the bottom of the pool.
The whole gorge isn�t deep right through, it goes deep shallow in the middle and deep again.
Allowing for a perfect destination for those jumpers to take the plunge off the rocks.

It is a great location for a river lime on a sunny day and an even better for a road trip.
You can also lime right at the side of the road as you come down to the river.
If you are like me, you can swim through the gorge and go exploring up the river.

I recommend taking the right tributary after the gorge there is a nice pool further up as well.
I perfect location for an easy hike and lime with peers.
Just remember to clean up after you are finished, keep nature clean.