On the way to the north coast of Tobago, you will pass Mount Dillon, one of the most gorgeous lookouts in Tobago.
Before you meet the string of beaches starting with Castara you will meet Mount Dillon.
It is located about fifteen kilometers from Scarborough and might take you twenty-five to thirty minutes driving.

Mount Dillon
The lookout is a short turn off the main road up a small hill, but it is so worth the detour.
A two-minute detour will take you to a well-kept area on the left.
You can drive in and park on the Lookout.
The grass is kept low and neat, and the place is equipped with benches strategically placed in the shaded areas.

The views
The view to the east overlooks the ocean, and down the coastline, a beautiful sight on a clear day.
The view to the west overlooks the hillside and is not as appealing, but it is still beautiful.
The breeze at the lookout is splendid, although the sun is hot the cold breeze is so soothing to the on your skin.
Overall it is a great location to stop off and have that picnic in the shade under the trees.
I could just imagine seeing the sunset or sunrise from this view, I’m sure it would be spectacular.

Always remember to keep the trails just as you see them when leaving so others can enjoy the true beauty of it.