Another popular spot found in Gran Couva on the central range is that of The Barrel.
Not as popular and not so much the pride of the Gran Couva as Carmelita Waterfall but a great and easy destination to get to.
It is one of the many attractions to the Gran Couva long with La Vega and the view at Our Lady of Montserrat Church.
I visited here a few years back and for some reason, I keep thinking it was Carmelita, but it seems to be the more popular choice for the locals.
Short walk to an easy location, perfect for that lime, cook or a cooldown splash.
The Trek
The falls is easy to get to, although not found on google map, the trail starts at lamp pole twenty-five on Corosal road Gran Couva.
Once you are on the right path it’s a short easy trail to follow to the location, with one for in the path you just have to stay left.
The trail is clear and shaded by tall cocoa trees, which could be a bit muddy in the rainy season, especially on the hills.
The trek may take as much as five minutes before you reach your destination.
Take caution as you step on the rocks entering the river because they are very slippery.

The Barrel
As you come onto the river you enter on top of the falls, this is the area used for liming.
It was a bit of an eyesore with a lot of litter, which possibly could have been washed downriver.
You would then cross the rocky riverbed and there is a little path on the right to take you to the other level.
Here you will find the pool nestled under probably eight feet cascading flow on the rocks.
Unfortunately, I didn’t test the pool, nor could I see the bottom so I can’t estimate its depth.
The water seems clean but retained a brown color, and the pool seems to have some depth.
But like Carmelita, it may be best visited in the rainy season to see the full beauty when the water flow is heavier.