Blanchisseuse is home to many attractions it is well known for its many hot spots, to name a few the Marianne River and Beach, ThreeRead More
Blanchisseuse is home to many attractions it is well known for its many hot spots, to name a few the Marianne River and Beach, ThreeRead More
Found deep in the Guanapo forest, there are many wonders to be found one being the Tombasson Waterfall. Guanapo is known for its gorges, riversRead More
Fort King George �Built in the early 1770s it was erected as a suitable defense for the newly appointed capital of Scarborough. During a short-livedRead More
Fort Bennett �Lieutenant Robert Bennet was an English mercenary who commanded a small party of settlers which left the duchy of Courland aboard �der Schwann�Read More
Fort Campbleton �Perched at the top of an unassuming hill you will find the Campbleton Battery, it should not be confused with the island�s manyRead More
Fort Granby History �Built around 1765 to protect the short-lived first capital Georgetown, Fort Granby is the�second oldest�fort on the island, and the first BritishRead More
Canoe Bay Canoe bay is a privately-owned well-maintained beach just about four kilometers of Crown Point. It is approximately ten to fifteen-minute drive from storeRead More
Aripo Lower Waterfall Aripo heights is a wondrous place filled with many sites to see and a lot of history, including the lower Aripo waterfall.Read More
The Beginning For the past few years I been on a fitness journey, started in 2014 when I attempted Fusion in Tobago. I trained intenselyRead More
El Tucuche: El Tucuche which stands at 936 m (3,071 ft) is the second-highest peak in Trinidad’s Northern Range and is noted for its interesting pyramidal shape. It is fabledRead More
Paradise Bay The Paria main road to Matelot is filled with a number of secluded beaches, one of which is Paradise Bay. This bay inRead More
Balata Bay Yet another wonderful secluded gem along the North Coast, is the beach known as Balata Bay. It was given its name because ofRead More