Fusion Virtual 7 Series had to be one of the more exciting fun and torturous events I have done in the recent two years.
Fusion Virtual 7 Series had to be one of the more exciting fun and torturous events I have done in the recent two years.
The Beginning For the past few years I been on a fitness journey, started in 2014 when I attempted Fusion in Tobago. I trained intenselyRead More
Recently I was told by someone that I seem to be really fit, and they asked me how I managed that. Sometime plans may neverRead More
This year I decided to work harder on my fitness goals, and focus my energies on becoming a better me. Considering the fact that IRead More
Lately I have been engaged in cycling, long distance running and hill training, due of my love for nature and hiking. I use theRead More
Fitness Lifestyle: Growing up I was an active youth, taking part in several sporting activities, which included soccer, cricket, basketball and more. As you start toRead More
Lifestyle disease: A disease associated with the way a person or group of people lives. As a youth growing up we are oblivious or justRead More
Fitbit world! In 2015 after taking on running as a sport / hobby, I had been introduced to the world of Fitbit a smart watch thatRead More