Sapphire falls would be by far the easiest waterfall destination I have been thus far in Trinidad. This waterfall caught my attention recently when itRead More
Sapphire falls would be by far the easiest waterfall destination I have been thus far in Trinidad. This waterfall caught my attention recently when itRead More
This adventure takes us to a remote beach along the Paria main road, to a beach by the name of Paradise Bay Not to beRead More
Hikeaton For some years I wanted to take on this challenge of doing the north coast trail, from Matelot to Blanchisseuse. Some friends and IRead More
This adventure took us to Blanchisseuse on the north coast of Trinidad home of Avocar and Three Pools. In 1797 French Captain Frederick Mallet wasRead More
Avocar Waterfall: Located in Blanchisseuse lush green Forrest accessible from Pops Avenue a dirt road on the Blanchisseuse Road to Arima resides the AvocarRead More