Senna bay is another untouched hidden gem found on the north coast of Trinidad. Trinidad has many such beaches but not all are easily accessible.Read More
Senna bay is another untouched hidden gem found on the north coast of Trinidad. Trinidad has many such beaches but not all are easily accessible.Read More
Matura river is one of my favorite river in Trinidad, it is home to numerous hiking destination. Which include Mermaid pools, Mystic pool, Manulot fall,Read More
Maracas Waterfall is one of the more popular destinations in Trinidad, being one of the tallest waterfalls with a very scenic atmosphere. It a shortRead More
Found deep in the Guanapo forest, there are many wonders to be found one being the Tombasson Waterfall. Guanapo is known for its gorges, riversRead More
Aripo Lower Waterfall Aripo heights is a wondrous place filled with many sites to see and a lot of history, including the lower Aripo waterfall.Read More
El Tucuche: El Tucuche which stands at 936 m (3,071 ft) is the second-highest peak in Trinidad’s Northern Range and is noted for its interesting pyramidal shape. It is fabledRead More
Balata Bay Yet another wonderful secluded gem along the North Coast, is the beach known as Balata Bay. It was given its name because ofRead More
Negmawah Bay Negmawah Bay is an isolated beach situated between Saut D’eau and Cyril Bay. It’s one of the many small coves of La VacheRead More
Marakeet Bay Currently seeing two different spelling but Marakeet or Maraqueet however it is spelt seems to be another popular secluded destination. On the wayRead More
St Joesph Maracas valley is filled with may rivers, one of which is the Morang river. Nestled beneath El Tucuche in the Village of ElRead More
Los Iros – Mud Volcano Yet another great location to visit is the Mud Volcano found in the village of Los Iros on the southernRead More
Deep in the forest of the Rio Claro, there are may wonders, including the Salt Water Volcano. Our adventure begun at the police station inRead More