Maracas Waterfall is one of the more popular destinations in Trinidad, being one of the tallest waterfalls with a very scenic atmosphere. It a shortRead More
Maracas Waterfall is one of the more popular destinations in Trinidad, being one of the tallest waterfalls with a very scenic atmosphere. It a shortRead More
El Tucuche: El Tucuche which stands at 936 m (3,071 ft) is the second-highest peak in Trinidad’s Northern Range and is noted for its interesting pyramidal shape. It is fabledRead More
St Joesph Maracas valley is filled with may rivers, one of which is the Morang river. Nestled beneath El Tucuche in the Village of ElRead More
Maracas Valley is filled with hidden treasures, which I’m yet to explore. There we have the a lot of tributaries that contribute to the StRead More
Maracas Saint Joseph: The colloquial name used to distinguish the Maracas Valley above the town of Saint Joseph from Maracas Beach. Maracas Saint Joseph is one of the large valleysRead More